I can't see the prices or the rates:

Simply create your account on the site in order to access our pricing.

I did not receive any emails to confirm my account validation,  order validation or new password:

Please verify that it is not in your spam or junk mail.

 I do not have a diploma or customer number:

Our site is exclusively for professionals in the aesthetics and beauty industry.
All orders without evidence relevant to the aesthetics will be canceled.
For students in aesthetics: all orders without school certificate or student card will be canceled.

The invoice  is not in my package:

The invoice is stuck on the shipping box.
If you don’t find it you can print it from our website.

Visit:     Hello,
            Order / Invoice Tracking
            Choose the invoice
            Press print on top right corner

 I received a promotion by e-mail but I do not have a code to use on the website:

You do not need a code. The promotions are automatically applied on the site.
With the exception of certain code coupons which will be clearly defined.

I would like to receive testers:

In the commentary area you can leave us a message letting us know what or how many testers you would like. We will do our best to respect the quantity that is available in stock.

 I cannot seem to settle my order:

Thank you for contacting us at +1-450-624-0390 or Toll Free at +1 - 800-668-6080
Or by e-mail: info@eecinc.ca

I have not received a product and it is noted “B/0” or “Back Order” on the delivery:

We do not charge items out of stock. We will contact you at the arrival of these items and you will have the freedom to order them or not.

There is a promotion with free shipping but when I finalized my order a window indicates that delivery charges will be added to my order:

This kind of promotion requires a code. Make sure you enter the code in the coupon section of your order.

My order status "shipped" but I have still have not received it:

Generally, delivery is made within 24/48H (excluding weekends and holidays) when an order is in status "shipped". You are informed by mail from the order. You can track the delivery on the website of our shipping  partners.

My institute is located abroad can I order?

It is absolutely possible to order with us if you are a professional in the field.
Note that the orders on our website is shipped from Canada and charged in Canadian dollars.